A league of her own, with a museum all to herself: After a long wait, Berlin can finally welcome Japan´s superstar Yayoi Kusama. With polka dots and phalluses, she has been creating visionary art for 70 years. This could be the show of the year!
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Large pink inflatable tentacles are part of a retrospective exhibition of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama in Berlin.
More than seven decades of her work is being celebrated, from her signature polka dots to infinity rooms.
Stephanie Rosenthal, curator of show and director of Martin Gropius Bau said, We have almost 250 works in 19 rooms. It is really an exhibition that shows that she both wrote art history and that she is still today one of the most progressive artists.
Kusama became famous in Japan with her paintings before she moved to New York in 1956. She then became a leading figure in the pop art scene.
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By the end of March, the firm had delivered 30 million doses to EU countries, rather than the 100 million doses pledged in its contract (AP)
The EU is preparing to take legal action against pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca over the slow delivery of Covid-19 vaccines, Brussels has confirmed.
A spokesperson for the European Commission said on Thursday that no decision had yet been made on whether to proceed with a court challenge, but confirmed it was being looked at as an option.
EU leaders are angry at the company, which they say has failed to hold up its end of a contract to deliver doses to Europe while shipping jabs produced in the bloc abroad to fulfil other contracts.