As Lorraine Alberto begins her Portuguese class at Goa University, students from the former colony are in short supply. Across Goa, a tiny coastal state once administered by Lisbon, there is little appetite for the territory's 450 years of European heritage after a few short generations of Indian rule.Ramshackle colonial homes and Bollywood's increasing.
Watch: Footage shows UFOs near US Navy ship, then disappearing into water
15 May, 2021 02:41 AM
2 minutes to read
The US Navy photographed and filmed “spherical” shaped UFOs and advanced transmedium vehicles. Video / jeremycorbell
NZ Herald
Footage has emerged online showing a spherical object flying in the air before disappearing into the ocean, near where a US Navy ship was, off the coast of San Diego, US.
The video, taken aboard the USS Omaha in July 2019, shows the mysterious object hovering over the water s surface for a while, before disappearing into the ocean.
A submarine was sent to search for the object but could not find anything. Photo / Jeremy Corbell
Bring back Pods : Thousands sign petition to bring back Mars NZ s chocolate treat
25 Apr, 2021 12:53 AM
2 minutes to read
Mars New Zealand has confirmed the products will be discontinued. Photo / Supplied
NZ Herald
More than 2,600 people have signed an online petition calling on Mars New Zealand to bring back Pods, after the company announced the beloved Kiwi treat would be disappearing off the shelves.
The beloved Kiwi snack that s been a go-to treat for many a road trip and movie night is being discontinued, according to manufacturer Mars New Zealand.
The petition is online on Photo /
TVNZ reporter Andrew Mcfarlane revealed a statement from the company on Twitter this week.