Healthy Living Campus in Redondo Beach releases Draft EIR
SHARE The Healthy Living Campus is designed to offer residents a “sense of place,” Beach Cities Health District CEO Tom Bakaly said. Rendering courtesy of the Beach Cities Health District
The Healthy Living Campus is designed to offer residents a “sense of place,” Beach Cities Health District CEO Tom Bakaly said. Rendering courtesy of the Beach Cities Health District
by Kevin Cody
With Wednesday’s release of the nearly 1,200 page Healthy Living Campus draft environmental impact report, the Beach Cities Health District reaches a decisive turning point, for the second time since its founding in 1955.
Record levels of anxiety, depression found in college students, University of Michigan study finds
Updated Feb 26, 2021;
Posted Feb 26, 2021
Students walk on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan. ( files)MLive File Photo
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ANN ARBOR, MI – In their first full semester during the COVID-19 pandemic, college students reported their highest levels of depression and anxiety of any prior semester, a University of Michigan study finds.
The UM Healthy Minds Study, an annual web-based survey looking at mental health and service utilization among undergraduate and graduate students, found that 47% of respondents screened positive for clinically significant symptoms of depression and/or anxiety – up from 44% last year and the highest since the survey started in 2007.
Mental health and well-being are critical to student success in higher education and beyond but rarely get the attention they need. Colleges and universities in the United States have been seeing increases in mental illness and emotional distress among students for decades. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic consequences are accelerating these trends. Furthermore, renewed focus on systemic racism in many spheres of American life is highlighting the stresses and mental health consequences faced by students from traditionally underrepresented groups and by women who continue to suffer the lingering effects of sexism. The damaging consequences of these problems for students, their institutions, and a modern world that depends on a well-educated, healthy workforce demand a much better response. Promoting student mental health and emotional well-being on campus requires more than a well-functioning counseling center. It calls for a campus-wide commitment and co