Despite being disbarred, Beaver used junior lawyer Chipo Florence Jura in 2017 and 2018 as a front. When the law society began to investigate, Beaver told Jura to destroy any incriminating evidence that could be used against him. He knew what he was doing was illegal and he tried to hide that, even going so far as to throw his co-conspirator under the bus, Rooke wrote. He did it for money. Mr. Beaver planned and executed a clandestine illegal enterprise.
Jura was also disbarred. She may not have been the best junior lawyer in Alberta, but it was Mr. Beaver who hammered home the nails in the coffin for Ms. Jura s legal professional career, Rooke wrote.
By Jaryn Vecchio
Dec 17, 2020 2:01 PM
The majority of social profits in the RMWB are seeing a sizeable jump in need while dealing with a big drop in revenue.
That’s according to a survey done by FuseSocial, in partnership with the Alberta Non-profit Network, where they spoke to organizations in the north zone about how they’re faring around nine months into the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over half of the respondents noted they were dealing with an increase in demand, while two-thirds claim they’ve seen a decrease in revenue.
“We know that our communities are in crisis and the challenges affecting the health and well-being of our sectors staff, volunteers, and clients are far from over as we face the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Chantal Beaver, FuseSocial’s Executive Director.