Chances are, you've seen the iconic Duke Photography sign in central Phoenix. It's been a fixture here since the 1950s. Now the studio is closed and neighbors are upset about what may take its place.
Razed for Raising Cane s: What s happening with Duke Photography?
and last updated 2021-04-30 22:15:41-04
PHOENIX â The building that has housed Duke Photography and served as the backdrop for Arizona senior photos and high school proms for decades could be razed to build a Raising Cane s restaurant. Some community members are worried about losing a piece of history.
Raising Cane s has requested a zoning adjustment hearing with the City of Phoenix seeking variances and use permits to build a restaurant with a drive-thru and outdoor patio where the so-called Duke Photography building is near 7th Avenue and Thomas, according to a copy of the proposal that was shared with the Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association, and later shared with ABC15.
Healing from the political divide: Politics fractures friends and family relationships
and last updated 2021-01-20 14:54:44-05
PHOENIX â With the start of a new chapter in America, how do we begin to heal the deep political divide that has impacted our communities? ABC15 has heard from people who say they no longer talk to friends, they are staying away from certain relatives, and in some cases, they have even stopped talking to their mom or dad, all because of politics.
From who they supported for president, to how they feel about certain issues, their stance on how communities can prevent the spread of COVID-19, and the use of masks versus no masks are all issues that have caused people to question the state of the union of their relationships.