Muthoot Finance shares plunged 7 per cent on Monday after the NBFC s chairman, MG George Muthoot, passed away on Friday evening by falling from the fourth floor of his house.
Muthoot was largely credited for making Muthoot Finance a pan-India company, and the largest gold loan NBFC.
Following the development, the scrip fell 6.57 per cent to hit a low of Rs 1,205 on BSE.
Police received information on Friday at 9:21 pm regarding the admission of MG George Muthoot at a hospital after he fell from the fourth floor of the house, and was later declared dead, a senior officer said.
The chairman of the Muthoot Finance company M G George Muthoot passed away on Friday evening after reportedly falling from the fourth floor of his house in Delhi.
The Delhi Police on Saturday said that Muthoot Group chairman, MG George Muthoot, fell to death from the fourth floor of his house in Delhi’s East of Kailash.