Weight Loss Mistakes: Here are some of the most common mistakes that might be hindering your weight loss goals. The pandemic and the sedentary lifestyle made most of us gain extra weight and much more on Times Of India.
There are only so many 15-minute YouTube workouts one can do. So it’s no surprise that many people are dealing with being in a fitness rut during the current pandemic. The good news: With some savvy planning and tips, you can work towards improving your health from the comfort of your home. The better news: We tapped plant-based fitness pros to share the common exercise mistakes that are holding people back from their weight loss goals so you can add some variety to your routines and boost your sweating goals.
1. You’re not changing up your routine
Variety is the spice of life, folks. “Being a fitness enthusiast, I believe that one common exercise mistake people do that may prevent weight loss is sticking to the same cardio workout. A very wise old owl came up with the phrase; ‘Do what you’ve always done and you’ll get what you’ve always got.’ The same is valid for exercise. If you are one of those people who whine about the amount of exercise they do and the abse
Unhealthy Ways of Weight Loss: ये हैं वेट लॉस के ग़लत तरीके, जो सेहत पर पड़ सकते हैं भारी, कहीं आप तो नहीं आज़माते इन्हें ?
Unhealthy Ways of Weight Loss: वजन कम करना आसान काम नहीं है। लेकिन, अगर आप अनुशासन के साथ सही डायट और एक्सरसाइज फॉलो करते हैं तो आपको वेट लॉस करने में सफलता मिलती है। सही डायट, एक्टिव और हेल्दी लाइफस्टाइल जैसे सही तरीकों से वजन नियंत्रण में रखना आसान होता है। लेकिन, कई बार लोग जल्दबाज़ी में अपने स्वास�