East Lyme
Monday Commission on Aging, 5 p.m., Senior Center; Inland Wetlands Agency, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Tuesday Plan of Conservation and Development Subcommittee, 6:30 p.m., Town Hall; Planning Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Wednesday Board of Finance, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Thursday Pension Committee, 3 p.m., Town Hall; Town Building Committee, 6 p.m. remote access; Waterford-East Lyme Shellfish Commission, 7:30 p.m., East Lyme Town Hall.
Groton City
Monday Group I Committee, 7 p.m., Municipal Building, C8 Conference Room; Group II Committee, 7 p.m., Municipal Building, Council Chambers.
Thursday Police and Community Together, 6 p.m., Municipal Building, Council Chambers.
Groton Town
Cityside: Cheer on some bright and eager hopefuls
By Bill Kenny
By now, you ve read, or should have, that the Norwich Sea Unicorns, undefeated since changing their name from the Connecticut Tigers will be joining the eight-team Futures Collegiate Baseball League, the FCBL. Think YMCA but with different gyrations and contortions (I can see the Sea Unicorn mascot dancing on the dugout roof during the mid-inning break now).
The FCBL is a wooden bat league (which is the way the Good Lord intended baseball to be played). FCBL ballplayers are unpaid collegiate athletes who hope to gain experience and exposure to Major League Baseball scouts. The Sea Unicorns home opener at Dodd Stadium is 7 p.m. on Memorial Day.
East Lyme
Virtual meeting information can be found at eltownhall.com.
Monday Commission on Aging, 5 p.m., Senior Center dining room; Inland Wetlands Agency, 7 p.m., remote access.
Tuesday Planning Commission, 7 p.m., remote access.
Thursday Police Commission, 6 p.m., check website for location; Parks and Recreation Commission, 7 p.m., community center.
Groton City
Virtual meeting information will be provided on the city calendar at cityofgroton.com in the meeting agenda. Mayor & City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will broadcast live on GMTV.
Monday Swearing in of Elected Officials, 8 p.m., Municipal Building/virtual via Zoom.
Wednesday Beach and Parks Committee, 7 p.m., Council Chambers.