East Lyme
Monday — Commission on Aging, 5 p.m., Senior Center; Inland Wetlands Agency, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Tuesday — Plan of Conservation and Development Subcommittee, 6:30 p.m., Town Hall; Planning Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Wednesday — Board of Finance, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
Thursday — Pension Committee, 3 p.m., Town Hall; Town Building Committee, 6 p.m. remote access; Waterford-East Lyme Shellfish Commission, 7:30 p.m., East Lyme Town Hall.
Groton City
Monday — Group I Committee, 7 p.m., Municipal Building, C8 Conference Room; Group II Committee, 7 p.m., Municipal Building, Council Chambers.
Thursday — Police and Community Together, 6 p.m., Municipal Building, Council Chambers.
Groton Town