Upcoming city election includes Decorah mayor and council seats Thursday, June 3, 2021 8:28 AM
The City of Decorah recently released specifics regarding the upcoming Decorah City Council Election this fall.
On the 2021 ballot are: first, third, and fifth ward council seats; one at-large position; mayor; and two parks and recreation board seats.
The minimum number of signatures needed on petition are as follows:
• First, third and fifth wards: 10 signatures; candidate must reside in ward and signatures must be from eligible voters in their respective ward.
• At-large: 32 signatures
• Parks and Recreation Commissioner: 24 signatures
For at-large, mayor and parks and recreation seats, candidates may reside anywhere within city limits with signatures from eligible voters, city-wide.
(KWWL) Across eastern Iowa, some school districts and counties are holding special elections on Tuesday, March 2.
KWWL will post results on this page as they are released or sent to us. Polls close at 8 p.m.
Waverly-Shell Rock Community School District is holding a General Obligation Bond Special Election.
The bond vote will decide whether the District will be authorized to provide funds to improve school buildings and construct two new elementary school buildings.
Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Unofficial results: Public Measure BW passes with 72.32% voting yes. 60% was needed to pass.
County to receive ultra-cold storage for COVID-19 vaccine
By Scott Bestul Wednesday, December 16, 2020 11:22 AM
An ultra-cold storage unit to house shipments of the COVID-19 vaccine is on the way, according to Winneshiek County Public Health (WCPH) Director Krista Vanden Brink.
“The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) contacted Sean (Snyder, Winneshiek County Emergency Management) to see if we would accept a unit,” said Vanden Brink. “Adjacent counties don’t have that capability, so we feel pretty lucky.”
Vanden Brink delivered the news at the Monday, Dec. 14 Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors meeting.
According to Snyder, the unit will arrive at WCPH, designated as an Incident Command Center for the pandemic, by the end of the week.