Piloting the collective impact model in Bangladesh
April 26, 2021 The non-profit organization H&M Foundation (H&MF), with the support of The Asia Foundation, is launching a collaborative pilot project to provide emergency assistance to female garment workers in the wake of the global pandemic. Designed to safeguard female textile workers against the immediate impacts of Covid-19 as well as in the long term, the pilot is part of H&MF’s longer-term project, Collective Impact Initiative for Female Textile Workers in Bangladesh (CIFTWB), located in one of the world’s leading garment manufacturers and exporters.
Launched in April 2021, the pilot is a unique collaborative initiative inspired by the “Collective Impact Model,” where organizations work together to tackle complex socio-economic problems for social change. Disaster relief partners CARE, WaterAid, and Save the Children coordinated by The Asia Foundation, are piloting this model in Gazirchat, Savar, an area pop
A PROJECT is weaving together the histories of female textile workers in Leeds and Shanghai through the power of Chinese opera. Leeds Industrial Museum has teamed up with researchers at the University of Leeds to explore the commonalities between the women who toiled in textile factories and on production lines thousands of miles apart. Entitled Song of the Female Textile Workers, the online exhibition sees six specially created documentary films hosted on the museum’s website, each rediscovering a different facet of the UK-China textile industries as well as telling the stories of industrial and cultural development in Shanghai. Two videos were released each week throughout the three week Chinese New Year celebration period.