Exhibitor list and new floor plan are now available for Summer 2023 show in Salt Lake; Education and events schedule for summer event features full lineup of expert speakers and panelists sharing insights on access and inclusion, marketing and retail strategy, sustainability and climate action, and more.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” There have been many variations of this African proverb, all extending an invitation to work in collaboration rather than in isolation to make the greatest impact. “When we see the whole of society as being stronger than its individual parts, one can tap into the mindset that more is possible when we work together,” states Dr Jessica Ronaasen, National Programmes Lead at DMF. Through the “Everyone Gets to PLAY (EGTP)” model, DMF has begun its journey to embrace this principle as it seeks to create better tomorrows for the young children of South Africa through collective impact.
Hampshire Hope: DART takes national stage
Published: 5/3/2021 4:21:49 PM
A snippet of video included in our Hampshire HOPE presentation at the 2021 RX Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit drove our point home better than any PowerPoint ever could. Seated at a table was Adam Van Buskirk, a founding officer in the Northampton Police Department’s post-overdose response team known as DART, listening to a cellphone message he received from a woman he had worked with as a DART officer.
“I’ll never forget you bringing me to detox,” the caller said. She let Van Buskirk know that she had since moved to the Boston area, gotten a job and was doing just fine. Van Buskirk is now a detective on the Northampton force and no longer part of the DART team, but the impact he’s had during his time as a DART officer reverberates to this day.