Popular Waterville Restaurant Shut Down For Covid-19 Violations
A popular Waterville watering hole & restaurant, Cancun Mexican Restaurant on Silver Street was forced to close by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services for causing an imminent health hazard for not following Maine State Covid-19 regulations according to an article by centralmaine.com.
The restaurant was required to close abruptly yesterday (4/13/21) and is required to stay closed for a seven day suspension that will run through 4/20/21 at 10am.
According to the article, Waterville Police witnessed employees of the Cancun Mexican Restaurant not wearing face masks, and also not requiring customers going into the establishment to wear face masks.
The Sanford Backpack Program Inspires Maine
When it comes to struggles with food insecurities, Maine children need our help more than ever. According to SanfordStrong.org, one out of every four children in the state of Maine lacks access to the food they need on a daily basis.
When in school most of these children are able to qualify for Maine supplemental food benefits, either for free or at a reduced amount however, once the end of the week rolls around, the weekend can be sparse for many children when it comes to getting the food they need.
This is where the Sanford Backpack Program steps in. The Sanford Backpack Program makes sure that these at need children leave school with a backpack full of meals that are easy to prepare and are also nutritious.
34 Years Later, Do You Remember the Flood of 1987?
April 1, 1987, Central Maine was hit with massive flooding. The worst the area had seen in decades and thankfully, we haven t seen such an event since.
The flooding was so bad, it got the attention of Los Angeles Times. The flooding was caused by melting snow, rain, and high winds according to the 1987 article. 250 Mainers had to be evacuated.
The article noted extensive damage between the loss of Livermore Falls International Paper Co. s hydroelectric dam and a bridge over the Piscataquis River in Guilford.
According to WMTW, 14 of Maine s 16 counties were declared disaster areas with the Kennebec and Androscoggin areas being the worst.
AKC Most Popular Dog Breeds Of 2020
The American Kennel Club (AKC) has just released the most popular dog breeds in the U.S. for 2020.
Coming in at #10, the low to the ground but high to the heart Dachshund rounds out the top-10 in popularity. What they lack in height they more than make up for in energy.
At #9, the German Shorthaired Pointer, like all pointers these guys are very active and live to be part of their family. A fairly recent addition to the AKC top-10, I have my eye on one for a future pack member.
#8 is the Rottweiler. This big boy sometimes gets a bad wrap but they can be one of the loyalist of all breeds and a great all around family dog that has your back too.