Treasure Manes from Hornbeck Elementary School was named Employee of the Month.
Meredith Campbell provided an insurance update for the Board: The insurance company is close to making a decision on the Hicks Gym. For athletic fields and local small repairs, the Board is welcome to use local companies. For other buildings, numbers are expected by March 15 â engineers are currently creating specification and drawings for all damaged schools. Ms. Campbell will be requesting a second check from the insurance company to cover the local contractors â it was suggested that all of the roof work be handled at the same time.
Auld named Crestview School Board president Monday, January 11, 2021 7:34 PM The Crestview Local School Board was honored Monday evening as part of School Board Recognition Month. (DHI Media/Sherry Missler)
CONVOY The Crestview Local Board Of Education named John Auld as Board
President and Brad Perrott as Vice President during its organizational
meeting held Monday evening in the multi-purpose room. In addition, the
Board will generally hold its meetings on the third Monday of each month
beginning at 6 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.
With January being
School Board Recognition Month, Superintendent Kathy Mollenkopf
expressed gratitude to Board members for their service to the district.
Brownwood ISD will join 1,024 school districts throughout Texas to celebrate January as School Board Recognition Month.
“Our team of school board trustees are highly focused on making difficult decisions for our district,” said Brownwood ISD Superintendent, Dr. Joe Young. “They are volunteers with significant responsibility in our community: educating our children. Celebrating School Board Recognition month is one way to say thanks for the work they do year-round, all without pay.”
Serving as a link between the community and classroom, school board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for public schools. Board members serving Brownwood ISD are: Michael Cloy (Board President), Roderick Jones, Sr. (Board Vice President), Dr. Lisa Fowler (Board Secretary), Tim Jacobs (Parliamentarian), Diane Thompson, Codie Smith, and Eric Evans.
January is School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to recognize the individuals who approach their volunteer work like it is a full-time job and with extraordinary dedication to public schools. They are citizens whose decisions affect our children and build our community.In a year full of challenges for public education not seen in recent history, school board members persevered through the adversity of 2020 to provide the best possible education for our students. Celebrating School
Brownwood ISD School Board of Trustees (back, left to right) Tim Jacobs, Roderick Jones, Sr., Michael Cloy, Codie Smith, Eric Evans (front) Diane Thompson, Dr. Lisa Fowler [BISD photo]
Brownwood ISD will join 1,024 school districts throughout Texas to celebrate January as School Board Recognition Month.
“Our team of school board trustees are highly focused on making difficult decisions for our district,” said Brownwood ISD Superintendent, Dr. Joe Young. “They are volunteers with significant responsibility in our community: educating our children. Celebrating School Board Recognition month is one way to say thanks for the work they do year-round, all without pay.”