Aim: The Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) in Iraq aims to promote a coordinated response to humanitarian operations across sectors to ensure that the humanitarian response is delivered in line with global norms and standards, joint strategic planning, priorities and targets through the Humanitarian Programme Cycle;
Membership: The ICCG is chaired by the OCHA Head of Office/Deputy Head of Office, with OCHA’s Inter-Cluster Coordination Unit serving as its secretariat. Permanent members of the ICCG are the national-level Cluster Coordinators and Co-coordinators of the officially established clusters in Iraq (CCCM, Education, Emergency Livelihoods, Food Security, Health, Protection, Shelter/NFI and WASH); the officially established sub-clusters (Child Protection; Gender-Based Violence; Housing, Land and Properties; and Mine Action); as well as the Coordinator and Co-Coordinator of the Common Coordination Services Sector. NCCI is also a member of the ICCG, representing interna
15 Apr 2021 Given the fluid nature of the current complex crisis in Myanmar, it is expected that the scope of work could vary to some degree and expectations will be reviewed on a regular basis. However, below are some of the key expected activities:
Review of Myanmar CO current CVA and mapping of opportunities Technical assistance and support to scale-up or strengthen the quality of UNFPA’s CVA for SRHR/GBV/MHPSS
Support to advise implementation of the Survivor Fund for PSEA
Technical guidance on UNFPA’s research with WFP
CVA design and implementation plan for the CO with detailed operational aspects of CVA as part of the GBV and SRHR programming as agreed with the country office, including the implementation model and related, concise Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) including data sharing aspects. This should be based on the review of the existing UNFPA CVA interventions, consultations with personnel and partners and other key stakeholders such as national counterpa
Northwest Syria Market Monitoring Exercise, Snapshot: 1-8 February 2021
To inform humanitarian cash programming, REACH, in partnership with the Cash Working Group (CWG), conducts monthly Market Monitoring Exercises in northern Syria to assess the availability and prices of 36 basic commodities that are typically sold in markets and consumed by average Syrian households, including food and non-food items, water, fuel, and cellphone data.
Of these, 18 items comprise the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB; see below), which represents the minimum, culturally adjusted items required to support a 6-person household for a month.
Data collection took place between 1-8th February 2021 and was conducted by Care Shafak, GOAL, People In Need, Syrian Association for Relief and Development (SARD), Solidarités International, Violet, NRC and REACH.