Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Outcomes in Emergencies (August 2020)
Evidence Note
There is a growing recognition that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can contribute to improving maternal and child nutrition by impacting on the underlying determinants of adequate nutrition. This can occur in three main ways.
CVA allows targeted households and individuals to purchase goods and access services that can have a positive impact on maternal and child nutrition.
These include nutritious foods, items to prepare food, hygiene items, safe water, health services and medication, transportation, and productive inputs.
If provided conditionally, CVA can improve participation in nutrition Social Behaviour Change (SBC) activities and attendance to priority preventive health services.
Madagascar Country Office: Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4 - Reporting Period: 01 January to December 2020
Inter Phase Classification for Acute Food Insecurity and Acute Malnutrition showed that
1.06 million people are currently in acute food insecurity which will increase up to 1.35
million between January and April. As a result, an estimated 135,476 children aged 6 to
59 months will be suffering from acute malnutrition (27,137 severe and 108,339
moderate cases).
This abnormal situation is reflected in the 20,551 children with severe acute
malnutrition admitted in health facilities for treatment which is equivalent to 128% of
annual target between January and November 2020.
UNICEF Madagascar focuses on disaster risk reduction to build resilience in addition to
16 Apr 2021
Doing the right thing. We are active in Switzerland and 20 countries on four continents. Join us with a commitment to help us bring about a more caring society, as
Caritas Switzerland (CACH) prevents, combats and alleviates poverty worldwide in more than 30 countries. With its projects in development cooperation, CACH works in the areas of food security, water, climate protection, disaster risk reduction, migration as well as education for children and adults. It provides emergency relief in response to disasters and in protracted crises. In response to the crisis in Syria, CACH has been engaged in emergency relief activities together with its partners since in July 2012. CACH is currently supporting projects in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Vis-à-vis the steadily increasing funding gap of the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan and national response plans, CACH has extended its engagement in the region focusing on relief, education and livelihoo