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Developing a meditation practice can feel daunting at first. How are you supposed to clear your mind when you’re thinking about that work meeting, your family, or that never-ending to-do list? But trust us you can cultivate a meditation practice even if you have a busy lifestyle. You don’t need a fancy training, to take a trip to the Himalayas, or have hours of free time available every day to experience the benefits of meditation. In fact, these 5-minute meditations prove you can get your mindfulness in even when you’re crunched for time.
What in our environment creates a sense of peace? Places, sounds in nature, music?
How many times have you been outdoors on a windy day to find yourself entranced by the movement of trees as the wind gently rocks them from side to side? As the wind moves the tall, thin trunks of younger trees to brush against one another, the sound is reminiscent of wind chimes – coconut shell chimes on a warm, lightly breezy day … The sounds of birdsong, crickets, a purring of a cat; waves splashing and crashing on the beach and over rocks affect us similarly; these sound frequencies of nature resonate with our souls. We and nature are one.