Read more about Transfer money available in PACL s group entities account to us: Sebi on Business Standard. In a bid to recover investors money, Sebi has ordered banks to transfer to its account all the money available in the bank accounts of 640 group entities of PACL Ltd by Wednesday.
: Friday, May 28, 2021, 7:33 PM IST
Sebi asks banks to transfer money available in accounts of PACL s 640 group entities to it
Sebi has ordered banks to transfer to its account all the money available in the bank accounts of 640 group entities of PACL Ltd by Wednesday.
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In a bid to recover investors money, Sebi has ordered banks to transfer to its account all the money available in the bank accounts of 640 group entities of PACL Ltd by Wednesday.
The markets regulator in September 2016 had ordered freezing of bank accounts as well as demat and mutual fund holdings of these entities.
The Controversy around the film ‘PK’ You’ve probably heard of the film ‘PK’ and the controversies it was in due to various reasons, especially its subject matter. I watched the film and found nothing wrong with it, the film imo didn’t hurt religious sentiments, but showed a journey of the helplessness of the character. I genuinely didn’t understand what the anger people had for it was about. I certainly didn’t feel offended watching it, I was more concerned about what was going to happen to the character and thought most others would be thinking the same while watching it too. Can we not even make films like this anymore? Films with a message, which aren’t afraid to showcase things such as religion in it to? If you don’t like the film, that’s one thing, but to completely denounce it, burn theatres, try to get it banned without even giving a second to understand what was happening and what the makers were actually trying to say,