Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana on Thursday said there are number of sacrifices one must make when one decides to become a judge - lesser money, a reduced role in society, and a huge amount of work, "yet a misconception exists that .
भारत न्यूज़: जस्टिस रोहिंटन नरीमन सुप्रीम कोर्ट से रिटायर हो गए। उनकी विदाई के मौके पर सीजेआई एनवी रमना ने कहा कि जुडिशरी अपने एक शेर को खो रही है। अपने 7 साल के कार्यकाल में जस्टिस नरीमन ने कई ऐतिहासिक फैसले सुनाए, जिनमें तीन तलाक को खत्म करना, प्राइवेसी को मौलिक अधिकार बताना और आईटी ऐक्ट की धारा 66-ए को रद्द करने जैसे फैसले शामिल हैं।
Justice R F Nariman, who retired from the Supreme Court on Thursday, said merit must be the predominant factor, which should be considered while making judicial appointments as people had legitimate expectation to get certain quality of justice from this final court. He said seven years as a judge for him has been most gruelling period of his life, it was not a cakewalk. He
India News: NEW DELHI: "We are losing one of the lions of the India judiciary," Chief Justice NV Ramana said on Thursday while paying glowing tributes to Justice .
Justice Nariman, the illustrious son of noted jurist Fali Nariman, is an ordained Parsi Priest and among the select company of five lawyers who directly joined the apex court bench leaving a very successful career as an advocate on July 7, 2014.