It is suspected that Kalra has left Delhi along with his family. A lookout notice has been issued against Kalra in connection with the alleged hoarding and black-marketing of oxygen concentrators, a senior police officer said. The police had earlier said that teams had been formed and raids were being conducted in the Delhi-NCR and neighbouring states. On Friday, 105 oxygen concentrators were recovered from two upscale restaurants in south Delhi s Khan Market area. The restaurants are owned by Kalra. On Saturday, the police transferred the case to the Crime Branch. On Thursday, 419 oxygen concentrators were recovered from another restaurant owned by Kalra and a farmhouse in south Delhi. Four men were arrested during the raids.
1 / 10 Vehicles movement is seen during the curfew amid a surge in coronavirus cases, in Agra Amid a barrage of complaints about private ambulance operators charging exorbitantly to transport Covid-19 patients in Agra, the district administration on Sunday capped the fares, officials said. The Agra police also formed a squad and released a WhatsApp number on which the people can register complaints against those involved in black marketing of oxygen cylinders, Remdesivir injection and other drugs used for COVID-19 treatment. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Muniraj G said the residents can raise their complaint on WhatsApp number 7839003386 and the official Twitter handle of the Agra police.
Delhi Police Issues Lookout Notice Against Navneet Kalra In Oxygen Concentrator Hoarding Case: Report
Navneet Kalra
The Delhi Police has issued a lookout circular against Khan Chacha owner Navneet Kalra after 524 oxygen concentrators were recovered from his restaurants in the national capital. Kalra has also filed an anticipatory bail plea at the Saket court in order to escape arrest in this hoarding case.
Kalra is the owner of three restaurants from which a large number of oxygen concentrators were recovered through raids by the Delhi Police. 419 of the 524 concentrators were seized from a restaurant-cum-bar in the Lodhi Colony area whereas 96 and nine of them were recovered from Khan Chacha and Town Hall respectively.