While seniors walked across the stage to receive their diploma,
U.S. News crunched the numbers to find the best high schools in the nation.
U.S. News reviewed nearly 24,000 public high schools across the country and ranked the best in each state using a variety of factors, such as college readiness, college curriculum breadth, math and reading proficiency, math and reading performance, underserved student performance, and graduation rate.
According to the report, Oklahoma has 468 high schools across 432 districts, with 10,911 full-time teachers and 187,976 students enrolled.
These are the top 25 high schools in Oklahoma:
Classen High School of Advanced Studies, Oklahoma City
May 27, 2021
Our Norman High School Class of â66 will have a 55-year reunion on June 25-26, 2021, and it will be another historic gathering.
As always, Norman High School grads from any class year are welcome and encouraged to join us in this landmark celebration.
Weâre currently on the hunt for venues for Friday and Saturday evenings.
If you have a suggestion please let us know. Important reminder: A group photo will be taken each evening, so bring your happy face.
Both get-togethers will be casual, so no need to worry about having to cinch up a necktie or put on a gown.
The Oklahoman
Editor s note: In an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, venues and businesses might be temporarily closed. Please confirm all reunion plans. To submit a reunion,
email DLindauer@Oklahoman.com.
Anadarko High School class of 1970: Looking for classmates for a 50th reunion scheduled for Nov. 5-6. For more information, contact Rick Davis at 405-229-9931 or rick@davis-scoreboards.com; or email Donna Hanson at camcarsgram@yahoo.com.
Ardmore High School class of 1961: Looking for classmates for a 60-year reunion planned for September. For more information, email Linda Presley Lathum at lindah@brightok.net.