Classical Education: An Attractive School Choice for Parents issue brief
EducationPre K-12
Parents looking for an alternative to traditional public schools have an option that fell out of fashion in this country a long time ago. This option called “classical education” differs profoundly from the instruction offered by modern district public schools. It is heavily oriented toward the liberal arts, guided by the Western canon, and grounded in Greek and Roman traditions of academic excellence.
While parents give good teachers and strong academics priority in evaluating a school, they also rate safety highly and consider extracurricular activities.[1] Educational philosophy or religious vocation is often highly valued as well. In a multicultural and diverse society like the U.S., every family will undoubtedly possess different values. Classical education can serve a diverse set of students and be utilized as an alternative to the education models fa
Say No to School Daze: Planning and Preparing for the Coming Academic Year
“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy:” that line from George Gershwin’s opera “Porky and Bess” might serve as the motto for many schoolchildren. No homework for a couple of months, no tests and grades, no racing around in the morning throwing books into a backpack and looking for that lost assignment: the summers of my childhood meant freedom from everything except household chores, and I hope any youngsters reading my words are enjoying similar liberties.
Parents, however, might consider a different approach to summer and schooling.