Seven elite athletes, including Olympic-bound race-walkers Sandeep Kumar and KT Irfan, have tested positive for Covid-19."Reports of weekly Covid-19 tests conducted last weekend by SAI have revealed that seven athletes tested positive for .
Work in progress : Changing the definition because imperfect girls make perfect role models
SECTIONS Work in progress : Changing the definition because imperfect girls make perfect role modelsBy Katty Kay, Claire Shipman and JillEllyn Riley, New York Times
Last Updated: Feb 24, 2021, 06:52 PM IST
Even one role model can benefit a child, helping her perform better in school and maintain a positive mind-set.
Female role models, you might say, are having a moment.
Powerful female heads of state across the globe are out-leading their male counterparts in handling the pandemic. This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to an all-female team. In the United States, there is at last a female vice president, tough, powerful and also the first Black and Indian woman to hold that office.