• Drainage Analysis for the six drainage crossings
• Anticipated construction phasing and recommended improvements
Not included in the current contract are construction design plans; fees for FEMA flood study models; legal descriptions or exhibits for required right-of-way and permanent or temporary easements; design of any public or private utility; construction or right-of-way staking; design of retaining walls, sheet piling or any other structural design; an environmental study or report of any kind; or geotechnical investigations and pavement design.
If the city decides to include any of those items as a supplement to the proposal, CEC will be paid for additional services through a separate agreement.
• Walter P Moore
“Staff reviewed the SOQ’s, shortlisted, and interviewed four respondents who had the highest ranked SOQs,” Barkhimer said.
The four were CEC, Freese and Nichols, Olsson and Poe and Associates, Inc.
“Staff is asking for authorization to begin negotiations with CEC, to develop a scope/fee contract for professional design services that will be brought back before commission for approval,” he said.
In other business, commissioners will decide whether to amend city code establishing a fee-in-lieu of providing detention facilities for water runoff.
“If it is determined pursuant to the City Code, the Subdivision Regulations as adopted and incorporated within the City Code, or the City Engineer that detention facilities are required for the development of property, the developer may pay a fee-in-lieu of providing said detention facilities to the City of Shawnee if it is determined by the City Engineer that the runoff from the development of land will not a