Ask Rusty – How Will My Wife’s Benefits Be Affected by My State Pension?
AMAC Certified Social Security Advisor Russell Gloor Association of Mature American Citizens
Dear Rusty: I am 73 and receive a pension from my state’s Police and Fire Pension Fund. I took a full pension, so my wife only gets a widow’s pension when I die, and this is only a fraction of what my full pension is. I also get a small Social Security benefit, about $95 a month, and that amount is pro-rated because of the amount of my state pension. My wife is 71 and receives a Social Security benefit of about $600 a month. When I die, can she get a portion of my Social Security benefit? And will it increase since she will not be getting my full state pension? Signed: Retired Public Servant
John Grimaldi
“We’re not giving up on our efforts to eliminate the unfair income tax on Social Security benefits. The Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act is being reintroduced and the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] will be doing what it takes to encourage lawmakers to support the measure,” says Bob Carlstrom, president of AMAC Action, the association’s senior advocacy affiliate.
The original Social Security and tier 1 railroad retirement benefits were specifically exempted from income taxes when they were created in the mid-1930s. “After all, workers pay for them with taxes that are taken out of their paychecks to begin with. To tax retired seniors a second time is plain and simple a money grab.”
Ask Rusty – Delayed Claiming; Am I Now Getting the Right Amount?
AMAC Certified Social Security Advisor Russell Gloor Association of Mature American Citizens
Dear Rusty: I am having problems getting answers from the national Social Security office or the local agent who I first spoke with to apply for my benefits. I am 70 in January 2021 and applied for benefits at the end of August 2020. I asked to have benefits start in October 2020 with my first payment received in November. I was told that the benefit for applying at age 69 & 9 months would not be received until January of 2021. Until then I would receive the 69 years and 0 months payment, which I received in November and December of 2020. In January 2021 however, I received the same 2020 payment plus the COLA increase. I ve asked what s up at the local office and have been waiting for a return phone call. My first question: is the amount I received in November and December last year correct, i.e., it is only the age 69 amoun