DPS Trooper Loses Everything In House Fire
MONAHANS, TX – Just days after Christmas a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper and his family lost everything in a house fire in Monahans, TX. The community is now coming together to help the first responder in any way they can.
On December 27th, trooper David Moya received a call at 4:00 a.m. that he never expected to get.
According to Moya, his local sergeant let him know his house had gone up in flames. The family was spending the Christmas holidays with the trooper s parents at the time of the fire.
“I’m usually going to a fire… You know? said Moya. And this time it was my family that was affected, and it humbles you.
Annie Uyehara
Editor’s note: The Vail Daily, in conjunction with Valley Life For All, continues a monthly series of profiles about people in our community who have different abilities. As we all share a new challenge labeled COVID-19, we can learn from our friends and neighbors who have grown strong making their way through a life that has been out-of-the-norm. In this new reality of chal-lenge, they are the leaders.
I’d never deeply considered the lives of people with disabilities: they just are, as I just am. If someone with a wheelchair needed to get by, I’d just make way.
Special to the Post Independent
Editor’s note: The Post Independent, in conjunction with Valley Life For All, continues a monthly series of profiles about people in our community who have different abilities.
I’d never deeply considered the lives of people with disabilities: They just are, as I just am. If someone with a wheelchair needed to get by, I’d just make way.
But really, that’s an oversimplification: My father-in-law is a paraplegic, having lost both legs while in the Air Force. I had a taste of being disabled when I had a double total knee replacement and used a wheelchair in airports and crowded places.