Annie Uyehara
Editor’s note: The Vail Daily, in conjunction with Valley Life For All, continues a monthly series of profiles about people in our community who have different abilities. As we all share a new challenge labeled COVID-19, we can learn from our friends and neighbors who have grown strong making their way through a life that has been out-of-the-norm. In this new reality of chal-lenge, they are the leaders.
I’d never deeply considered the lives of people with disabilities: they just are, as I just am. If someone with a wheelchair needed to get by, I’d just make way.
Special to the Post Independent
Editor’s note: The Post Independent, in conjunction with Valley Life For All, continues a monthly series of profiles about people in our community who have different abilities.
I’d never deeply considered the lives of people with disabilities: They just are, as I just am. If someone with a wheelchair needed to get by, I’d just make way.
But really, that’s an oversimplification: My father-in-law is a paraplegic, having lost both legs while in the Air Force. I had a taste of being disabled when I had a double total knee replacement and used a wheelchair in airports and crowded places.