Madison County has reached an undisclosed settlement with the Veterans’ Assistance Commission (VAC) and Superintendent Bradley Lavite in a lawsuit alleging the department has been underfunded by more than $1 million.
The Fifth District Appellate Court gave Bradley Lavite, Superintendent of the Veterans Assistance Commission of Madison County, until June 1 to file a reply brief in his appeal involving a $1 million funding dispute.
Lavite and the Veterans’ Assistance Commission (VAC) filed a notice of appeal to the Fifth District on Aug. 3 through attorney Thomas Burkart of Hamel. In a previous motion for an appealable order, Burkart wrote that the plaintiffs respectfully disagree with former Madison County Circuit Judge David Dugan’s order granting the motion to dismiss filed by defendants Debra Ming-Mendoza, Mark von Nida and Madison County. Dugan is now a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.
Enterprise zone on county board agenda
Appointments, lawsuit settlements also slated for action
Scott Cousins,
EDWARDSVILLE The expansion of the Southwestern Enterprise Zone, settlement of several longstanding legal issues, and appointments delayed after Madison County Board members demanded a new county administrator are all set to be discussed and possibly acted on at Wednesday’s board meeting.
The meeting will be held in person at 5 p.m. in the County Board Room.
One of the items on the agenda is the approval of an ordinance expanding the Southwestern Enterprise Zone to include additional parts of Granite City and Venice.