Enterprise zone on county board agenda
Appointments, lawsuit settlements also slated for action
Scott Cousins, scousins@thetelegraph.com
EDWARDSVILLE The expansion of the Southwestern Enterprise Zone, settlement of several longstanding legal issues, and appointments delayed after Madison County Board members demanded a new county administrator are all set to be discussed and possibly acted on at Wednesday’s board meeting.
The meeting will be held in person at 5 p.m. in the County Board Room.
One of the items on the agenda is the approval of an ordinance expanding the Southwestern Enterprise Zone to include additional parts of Granite City and Venice.
Controversial zoning request for Rosewood Heights business approved
Scott Cousins, scousins@thetelegraph.com
EDWARDSVILLE The rezoning of the Rosewood Heights Farm Fresh store to allow the sale of packaged liquor was approved by the Madison County Board after a long debate Wednesday.
The board OK’d a request by Priyan Patel on behalf of Sejal Patel and SSM Dairy Corp. to allow the rezoning of the Farm Fresh at 740 E. Airline Drive from R-3 Residential to B-5 Business.
The change would allow the sale of packaged liquor, but would require additional action for any other requests, such as a license to pour alcohol or allow video gaming, which local residents had adamantly opposed.