Where can I travel to? Here are the current coronavirus border restrictions around Australia
ThuThursday 21
States and territories across Australia are changing their border restrictions again.
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With coronavirus clusters in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales seemingly under control, different states and territories have begun easing their coronavirus border restrictions.
Here are the various restrictions as they stand:
I want to go to …
Tap through to find out where you can travel to, depending on where you are travelling from:
NSW s borders are open to every state and territory.
Previously, you couldn t visit NSW if you had been to Queensland s City of Brisbane, City of Ipswich, Lockyer Valley Region, Logan City, Moreton Bay Region, Redland City, Scenic Rim Region or Somerset Region since January 2.
Detectives from Glenorchy CIB are investigating the circumstances surrounding several vehicles being deliberately set alight on Main Road, Claremont last.
Peter Gutwein,Premier Upon becoming Premier 12 months ago, I said I would lead a government of conviction and compassion, and our priority was to ensure.
Peter Gutwein,Treasurer
Our extremely successful HomeBuilder Scheme continues to stimulate our economy and confidence statewide.
Since HomeBuilder opened in July, we have received over 2000 applications, with 627 applications registered in just the first two weeks of the year alone.
To give a sense of scale, Tasmania normally builds around 2800 houses per year. To ensure that applications are processed as soon as possible, the State Revenue Office has put on unprecedented resourcing to meet this extraordinary demand, and there are now 14 full-time equivalent staff working on HomeBuilder applications.
HomeBuilder is translating into more homes for Tasmanians. ABS Building Activity data out today shows that Tasmania has seen the second highest growth in housing commencements in the country, growing 7.1 per cent in the September quarter. A total of 786 of buildings commenced construction in the September quarter.
Peter Gutwein,Premier
Investing in the wellbeing of children and young Tasmanians is critical for our State’s future and consultation is now open to deliver Tasmania’s first ever comprehensive, long-term, whole of government Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.
The Strategy will cover all children and young people from 0 to 25 years old, with a specific focus on the first 1000 days because we know this time provides a critical foundation for the rest of a young person’s life.
Students who have greater wellbeing are more likely to have better educational outcomes, and a better quality of life, with the Strategy providing the blueprint for Tasmanian children to thrive.