Written by Wilton Library
Wilton Library March 2021 Virtual Activities
Mondays, March 1, 8, 22 & 29 Ready Readers Live!, 4:15 – 4:45 p.m. Children ages 4-6 are invited to join in some story time fun! We will read two stories and have some chat time. Registration is required and space is limited. Registrants will receive an email link to the Zoom meeting shortly before the program. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. No session March 15. Questions? Email
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. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Tuesday, March 2 Wilton Reads - Memorial Drive Book Giveaway 10 – 11 a.m. and 5 – 6 p.m. Memorial Drive: A Daughter s Memoir by Natasha Trethewey is our Wilton Reads 2021 pick. In anticipation of Trethewey s talk, and to insure a wide readership, free copies of the book will be distributed, thanks to Fairfield County Bank. Compl
Wilton Library Lines: Firefighter storytime, poetry, college
Janet Crystal
Nathaniel and Charles Dey of Wilton watch Firefighter Story Time from their home. In conjunction with Wilton Library, each Friday from 10 to 10:30 a.m., Wilton firefighters read stories to children on Zoom. Registration for this program is required at wiltonlibrary.org/events. For questions, email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org.Lynn Dey / Contributed photo
It’s coding, not a snake
As of this writing, there are just a few spots left in the Python Coding for ages 11-14 program on Saturdays, Jan. 23 through Feb. 20, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. In these virtual sessions, kids will learn the basics of the computer program that is used by companies such as Google and Facebook. This class is for kids with no programming experience, but who are really enthusiastic about learning. Registration is on a first come, first served basis, and kids must commit to each of the five Saturday sessions. The instr
Wilton Bulletin Board: Meditation, cooking, stream cameras
Dec. 31, 2020
The Norwalk River flows past the winter snows in Georgetown. A program on how stream connectivity is measured with trail cameras will be offered by Wilton Library.Jeannette Ross / Hearst Connecticut Media
The Bulletin Board will publicize events that take place in person and electronically via videoconference, Facebook Live or other means. Send submissions to editor@wiltonbulletin.com by 5 p.m. Wednesday for inclusion in the next week’s edition of The Wilton Bulletin.
Monday, Jan. 4
Stitch Time for Knitters & Crocheters, 1-2 p.m. Wilton Library via Zoom. For crafters of all skill levels. Registration required: www.wiltonlibrary.org.
Wilton Bulletin Board: Mime movements, meditation, zentangle
Dec. 23, 2020
A meditation program for Wilton High School students begins Jan. 6 through Wilton Library.GT
The Bulletin Board will publicize events that take place in person and electronically via videoconference, Facebook Live or other means. Send submissions to editor@wiltonbulletin.com by 5 p.m. Wednesday for inclusion in the next week’s edition of The Wilton Bulletin.
Monday, Dec. 28
Inspired Mime Movements for 2021, 4-5 p.m. Mime Robert Rivest will lead an inspirational workshop of relaxation techniques on Zoom. Register: www.wiltonlibrary.org.
Monday, Jan. 4
Stitch Time for Knitters & Crocheters, 1-2 p.m. Wilton Library via Zoom. For crafters of all skill levels. Registration required: www.wiltonlibrary.org.