Lucid Listening (March) - Fresh Vinyl Selections, Gear Tips, and All Things Home Audio
Magnetic has partnered up with Audeze, Gearbox Records, and Vinyl Me Please to present a monthly vinyl lovers guide.
Mar 14, 2021
Magnetic has partnered up with Audeze, Gearbox Records, and Vinyl Me Please to present a monthly vinyl lovers guide.
This last year has been rough, but it has also been enlightening in some ways and forced us to regroup, rethink and relearn many things, including listening to music. For most of us, music was often a passive listening experience filled with playlists streaming into oblivion. Then suddenly, with more time and isolation on our hands, we started to listen differently, more actively or what we like to call Lucid Listening.
Ambient Meditations Season 2 - Vol 38 - STUFF
This Belgian quintet bring a delightfully quirky bliss to this weeks mix, some beats and ambient bobs for your forest bathing.
Magnetic Mag
Ambient Meditations Season 2 - Vol 38 - STUFF
For the 38th episode of the Ambient Meditations Podcast, we are joined by Belgian quintet STUFF to celebrate their upcoming album
T(h)reats coming out on May 7th on Sbdan Ultra. The mix is a nice blend of bliss and quirky beats with tracks from the band themselves and some legends like Four Tet and DNTEL. This is the perfect mix to remind you that spring is around the corner and hopefully, a summer that is less lockdown and more get down, even just a dabble of normalcy, would be good. If you are into Forest Bathing, this also an excellent mix for that kind of thing. So make something sparkly and effervescent to drink, maybe a Champagne Cocktail.
Ambient Meditations Season 2 - Vol 32 - LoFi Mix By David Ireland
This week we bring you one of our favorite genres for maxing and relaxing, an hour of LoFi goodness, stirred, not shaken.
Magnetic Mag
Our complete podcast series is available on these fine platforms and on Mixcloud + Soundcloud - below at the end of the post is our complete Ambient Meditation Series and Spotify Playlist that is updated weekly:
Ambient Meditations Season 2 - Vol 32- LoFi Mix By David Ireland
This week we are keeping things simple, a nice icy cold LoFi mix with plenty of deep grooves, mossy basslines, wobbly beats, and jazz licks that are perfect for weekend chillage. So find a comfortable position, a beverage of some sort and lay back, let your mind undress, and get your beat meditation on.