Deidra Harper, co-founder of The Women LLC, a group of six women helping small Black-owned businesses in Knoxville, has tips and resources for businesses recovering from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Q: How have you seen women be impacted by the pandemic, particularly minority women? Why do you think that is?
A: I don t know if I have the exact answer of why that is, but I know a solution that we tried to bring during the pandemic is the Women Foundation, The Women LLC, we wanted to provide access to capital for small businesses. I have noticed there has been a spike in entrepreneurship amongst Black women. And I think due to COVID, being at home and having a little bit of more flexibility, and free time to pick up that hobby and actually turning into an income-driven operation, but then you still want to have capital and access to those resources to be able to expand your business. So I know that is a reason why The Women, who is a group of individual women t
How the United Way plans to spend $100 million helping Rhode Island
CEO Cortney Nicolato discusses the ambitious plan to tackle critical issues including affordable housing, education, and racial equity
By Dan McGowan Globe Staff,Updated January 15, 2021, 8:41 a.m.
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United Way of Rhode Island President and CEO Cortney NicolatoPeter Goldberg
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