The Atlantic coastal states of Maine through Virginia have scheduled their virtual hearings to gather public input on the Atlantic Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7 Public Information Document (PID). The details of those hearings follow:
As the first step in the amendment process, the PID seeks input from those interested in striped bass about changes observed in the fishery/resource and potential management measures. It has been 18 years since the last plan amendment to the Atlantic Striped Bass FMP was adopted (Amendment 6). Since then, the status and understanding of the striped bass stock and fishery has changed considerably which raises concern that the management program no longer reflects current fishery needs and priorities. The results of the 2018 Benchmark Stock Assessment in particular led the Board to discuss a number of prominent issues facing striped bass management. Consequently, the Board initiated the development of Amendment 7 in August 2020.
February 25, 2021
DEC is seeking participants to join the Striped Bass Cooperative Anglers Program to help biologists understand and maintain a healthy striped bass population. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) requires New York State to provide catch information from its recreational fishery to manage this species. Volunteer anglers play a crucial role in helping DEC satisfy this requirement, and all anglers who fish for striped bass are invited to participate.
Anglers who fish for striped bass north of the George Washington Bridge in the tidal Hudson River should email or visit DEC’s Hudson River Striped Bass to learn more about the Hudson River Cooperative Anglers Program. In the tidal Hudson River, the recreational slot limit is 18 to 28 inches (not less than 18 inches nor greater than 28 inches) and the season is open April 1 through Nov. 30.
Discover the New Jersey Skillful Angler Program
February 24, 2021
For 37 years the Division of Fish and Wildlife has been recognizing the talents of New Jersey anglers who catch fish of “not quite record” size, but large enough to have tested the angler’s skill and be worthy of recognition. The Skillful Angler Program also recognizes our newest anglers with its
“First Fish” category. New anglers of any age can commemorate their first successful catch with a certificate from the Division. For more experienced anglers the program recognizes trophy catches of 43 different freshwater and marine fish species in addition to
Master and
New Jersey 2020 Skillful Angler Program Winners This year marks the 38th anniversary of the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Skillful Angler Program. For almost four decades the Division has been recognizing anglers who catch fish of “not quite record” size but large enough to have tested the angler’s skill and be worthy of recognition in each of the freshwater and marine species categories.
The Skillful Angler Program is designed to supplement the New Jersey State Record Fish Program. Significant changes were made in January of 2015. Although the program’s three divisions remained the same (Adult, Junior, and Catch and Release), there are now categories creating more opportunities for qualifying fish to earn the angler a series of personalized certificates: