If you re looking for some free live entertainment this summer, Superior has some great options with their Bayside Sounds Around Town Concert Series.
Each year the City of Superior Parks & Rec Department puts on 8 weeks of free concerts, but this year, thanks to Superior Refinery and the UW – Superior there will be nine free shows this year spread around town.
Two new locations will be added to the lineup this year, Kelly and Bear Creek Parks will play host to a show each. Most shows run from 6 PM - 8 PM, the two exceptions are noted below, here is the full Bayside Sounds Around Town Concert Series schedule:
IDAHO FALLS — Grab your poles, fishing is free in Idaho all day on Saturday. Experienced or beginning fishers can spend the day at numerous locations without charge throughout the state, but there are still rules, such as bag size, in place. Additional information regarding regulations can be found here . “It’s a great opportunity […]