During an information session on Monday, Winona Parks and Recreation Director Chad Ubl and the ISG architectural firm presented updated plans for the East Rec Center remodel to the Winona City Council, which has now stretched to more than $6.9 million in projected costs.
In an earlier interview with the Post, Ubl said the plans have not substantially changed from when they were first presented in August of last year, but they had been refined. ISG presented both exterior and interior images of the design.
As to the feasibility of the project as a whole amid an economic downturn, Ubl said that was yet to be determined. “Council still needs to identify a funding source and authorize us to go out for bid,” Ubl said. Work on construction documents would begin immediately after the council meeting, he said.
The potential new East Rec Center, flood control changes, and post-logging cleanup in Woodlawn Cemetery are all scheduled for consideration at the next Winona City Council meeting.
During an informational session just before the regular meeting, Parks and Recreation Director Chad Ubl and ISG architectural firm will present updated plans for the East Rec Center remodel.
In an interview with the Post, Ubl said the plans have not substantially changed from when they were first presented in August of last year, but they had been refined. He described the moment as a checkpoint, wherein nearly-completed plans would be presented to the council in case they want to make changes before the design phase officially ends. ISG would present both exterior and interior images of the design, he said. Ubl said the refinements included a fleshed-out plan for a community garden as well as a better illustration of how the building fits into the rest of the street.