EDMONTON Parkview is welcoming all Edmontonians to try out its life-sized Snakes and Ladders starting Thursday. The chalk-painted board is about 36 square metres in size and features all the classic game s essentials – from ladders that give players a boost up, to snakes that mean progress could soon slither away – all laboriously painted by a handful of volunteers. It s iconic. It s like the Monopoly board; it s special, said Kristie Edwardsen, the mom of four, teacher, artist and Parkview resident who led the initiative. She also spearheaded a chalk-painted Monopoly board in Crestwood a year earlier. We saw how much it brought joy, connection, in a safe way – socially distanced, of course, she recalled.
EDMONTON A “Lending Sled Shed” is now setup at the toboggan hill in Laurier Heights. Kristie Edwardsen, the sled shed creator and member of the Laurier community, spotted the communal shed idea online. “I saw a picture of a little free library sled shed down in the states,” she said. “I thought what an amazing idea. We’re kind of at that this place where we don’t have a lot of things to do.” The project started off as a way to give back, but developed into a bonding experience for Edwardsen and her father. “My dad built everything but the sign,” she said.