A man charged in relation to the alleged illegal dumping of 13 drums at two sites near Yeppoon has been released on bail after being arrested by police for failing to appear in court.
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10:55am: Ambulance officers are on way to Causeway Lake on the Capricorn Coast.
Reports indicate a 14-year old boy has fallen and suffered injuries to his back and shoulder.
He is on the ocean side of the highway.
More to come.
Graham and Elena Richards took over the kiosk on April 1, the day before Good Friday.
“Might as well jump in the deep end and have a crack and if we came out the other end, we should be alright,” Graham said.
It sure was popular as it always is on the coast, but they made it out the other side.
“We were very busy, we came out the other end, had some steep learning curves about different parts of the retail and food trade - it’s certainly different from other lines of work I have been involved in,” Graham said.
By my recall this is the third or fourth.
The first was back in the early 90s when I was on the Yeppoon Chamber of Commerce and the then council and State Government cited environmental issues for not proceeding.
Since then it has continued to fill up with silt.
I think the last study was done in the 2000s and the same conclusion - the work needed to be done but no-one wanted to take responsibility of saying yes.
Hopefully this time they will just do the work and repair the damage from years of neglect.
Man must help nature repair issues such as this.
A $300,000 feasibility study into the dredging of Causeway Lake has commenced.
Livingstone Shire Council has engaged engineering consultant Bligh Tanner to assist council with the study which is expected to be completed by October 2021.
Mayor Andy Ireland said the study’s objectives were to determine the feasibility of dredging the Causeway Lake in a way that considered life-cycle cost-effectiveness, environmental factors, sustainability and mitigated risks.
“This evaluation is the next step for council to determine the feasibility of dredging the Causeway Lake and inform any future applications for funding,” Cr Ireland said.
No construction works are involved as part of the study and it is only a preliminary planning assessment.