Ranchi: Residents of Ghagra complained of environment pollution and said they fear contracting Covid-19 due to the round-the-clock cremation of infected corpses in the area. Corpses of the deceased Covid-19 patients are being cremated at the ghat for nearly a month now after the Ranchi Municipal Corporation owned gas-fired incinerator at Mukti Dham developed a snag and went out of order for several days.
Kaushal Kishore Mishra, a resident of the area, said, “The mass burning of bodies is causing so much pollution that we are forced to shut our doors and windows. The strong smell arising out of rituals saturates the entire atmosphere.”
Remains of 14 people identified in connection with the 1992-1993 armed conflict in Abkhazia
Geneva (ICRC) – The family members of 14 people who were unaccounted for in connection with the armed conflict of 1992-1993 in Abkhazia were informed that their loved ones were positively identified with the assistance of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
The remains of these 14 individuals – 13 Georgian and 1 Abkhaz - were recovered during excavations carried out under the lead of the ICRC in 2017-2019 in Sukhum/i, Ochamchira/e, Gulripsh/i, Gagra.
The remains were recovered within the framework of the Coordination Mechanism on Persons Unaccounted for in Connection with the Events of 1992-1993 Armed Conflict and After, which has operated under the auspices of the ICRC since 2010 and involves both Abkhaz and Georgian participants. The Mechanism is of a purely humanitarian nature and acts on behalf of the families of missing persons.
Ranchi: If long queues outside Mukti Dham were not enough, a shortage of timber at the burning ghats in Ranchi may soon cause mayhem in the state capi.