A woman has been charged with multiple offences following a police pursuit in the state's south. About 7pm yesterday (Friday 12 March 2021), police were.
Next step for draft planning proposal A draft planning proposal to include artisan food and drink industries as an additional land use across the Wagga.
Equex pedestrian safety
Council will receive a report into improving pedestrian movements surrounding the Equex Centre.
A notice of motion from Cr Dan Hayes said concerns have been raised around poor pedestrian access, which has been highlighted on netball competition days during the pandemic.
Affordable and social housing
A focus on more affordable housing models in Wagga Wagga will be detailed in a report back to Council.
Council agreed to receive the report after a notice of motion from Cr Dan Hayes said it may help to identify and implement new social and affordable housing opportunities.
Third man charged over cold case murder
William Chaplin was last seen in early to mid-May 2010. (NSW Police)
A third person has been charged over the murder of a man whose body was found in a shallow grave nine years after he vanished from Albury.
William Chaplin was 25 years old when he was last seen alive in Gerogery, about 30 kilometres north of Albury in May 2010.
A man and a woman were charged with murder after his body was found in a shallow grave on a rural property on Gerogery Road near the Olympic Highway in 2019.
Today, a 50-year-old man at a prison in Sydney was also charged with his murder.