Environment by Chris Calcino
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Subscriber only WILDLIFE officers have captured a 2.5m crocodile believed to have bitten a swimmer on the head at Lake Placid last week. The Department of Environment and Science confirmed the reptile had been caught in a trap set within the once popular swimming hole. Mark Ridge, 56, has called for the animal to be shot after he was forced to price its jaws off his head about 12.45pm on Thursday. Critical care paramedic Paul Sweeney described the man s terrifying ordeal after he felt this sudden impact clasp on the top of his head . Mark Ridge has survived a crocodile attack by prising the reptile’s jaws off his head in far north Queensland. The 44-year-old man was swimming in waters near Lake Placid Road, in the Cairns suburb of Caravonica when he was attacked. Picture 7News