Intensified preparations for the construction of migrant center at Lipa site
Full control and supervision over the current tent settlement at this location is under the jurisdiction of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs of B&H H. J. I. / Fena
prije 3 sata
Intensified preparations for the construction of migrant center at Lipa site
Representatives of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs of B&H and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) divided the process of building a reception center for 1,500 people into four phases
Foto: Fena
Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina Selmo Cikotić during his last visit to the Lipa site near Bihać confirmed that preparations for the construction of a migrant center are in the final phase, and that construction work can begin soon.
About 750 migrants arrived in Una-Sana Canton in the month of March
This inforrmation was confirmed by the Cantonal Police Administration today H. J. I. / Fena
About 750 migrants arrived in Una-Sana Canton in the month of March
In four temporary reception camps in Bihać, Cazin and Velika Kladuša, all accommodation capacities are currently filled, considering that about 2,500 people are taken care of in them
Foto: Fena
About 750 migrants and refugees arrived in the Una-Sana Canton (USC) in the first 15 days of March alone, confirmed the Cantonal Police Administration today.
-Entering the canton near Bosanska Krupa, we registered about 500 migrants in this month alone, while about 250 people arrived in the area near Ključ and headed to Bihać or Velika Kladuša. We stop them at these checkpoints, but we are aware that we cannot fully close the entire area, and that they will find their way to their temporary target destinations- said the USC police spoke
Doctors and medical staff of health centers in the Una-Sana Canton (USC) provide daily medical care for about 900 migrants and refugees in the Lipa migrant center near Bihać.