Quarter of Americans Never Socialized or Exercised Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Study
On 3/15/21 at 3:35 PM EDT
Dr. Tara Thiagarajan, the founder and chief scientist of Sapien Labs, told
Newsweek that 24 percent of American respondents to a survey included as part of the Mental State of the World 2020 report said they did not ever interact socially with friends or exercise last year.
The study, which examined data from eight countries, surveyed more than 14,500 Americans to assess the mental well being of the population. Overall, the research drew on responses from more than 46,000 people in the U.S., the U.K., India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Singapore.
Spooning or Forking: Which One Makes You Hungrier?
Image: Shutterstock
Most times sex becomes a way of shooing away your boredom or a source to entertain yourselves. In that process, you lose the vigour and excitement for the act altogether. But, to revive what’s gone and bring it back with equal fervour, you need to understand what really works best for your sexual appetite and if it works for the both of you.
Spooning and forking are two sexual positions that are commonly known but are not commonly performed. Why? Because it is easier to perform in a missionary – less efforts and less time invested. Trying out new positions can work in your favour and give you that extra adrenaline rush or the calorie burn you were so eager on acing!
You want to: Master the art of self-pleasure
Single or not, it’s important to know what turns you on sexually and how to stimulate different parts of your body to give yourself pleasure
. Masturbation is a safe and healthy way to relax and soothe yourself, channel your sexual energy and experience satisfying orgasms. When incorporated into foreplay with a partner, it can be incredibly erotic and also help boost the emotional intimacy in your relationship.
Try: Finishing school by Vanessa Marin therapy
California-based sex therapist and psychotherapist Vanessa Marin created Finishing School, a step-by-step programme featuring easy-to-follow techniques to help you achieve orgasm through masturbation and other methods of self-stimulation.
Are Long Distance Relationships for you? Common problems and challenges for the love struck.
Are Long Distance Relationships for you? Common problems and challenges for the love struck when you don’t live in the same city or town….
Long Distance Relationships: Are they for you? Common problems that couples can find themselves dealing with and how to make such affairs work.
Getting into a relationship is easy but maintaining it is a task. Things become even more complicated and difficult when you are in a long-distance relationship. Long-distance relationships are pretty hard to maintain. This is one of the many reasons why most people don’t prefer being in one. From insecurities to miscommunication, there are many cons of staying in an LDR, and the toughest is to not meet your partner frequently. Sad, isn’t it?
Love Life in a Lull? These Coronavirus-Inspired ‘Safe Words’ Will Kick Things Up a Notch!
Every long-term committed relationship has its ups and downs, and at some point in time, the fire in the master bedroom inevitably begins to cool.
The physical side of love can fade for a number of reasons:
Maybe your significant other has put on a little too much extra weight in the years since the FDA pulled Dexatrim from the shelves of Indianapolis’ own Hook’s Drug Stores.
Perhaps you’ve lost your sexual confidence since getting fitted for that prosthetic leg.
Or it could just be that an overbearing government opted to utilize the U.S. Constitution for sanitary purposes amid a critical nationwide shortage of toilet paper, ordered you and your partner to remain locked in your one-bedroom apartment under threat of imprisonment, and as a result, you find yourself increasingly identifying with Jack Nicholson’s character in “The Shining.”