The Whites at Greenway Farm A farm near Ilminster has become the first in the UK to have their welfare standards for geese and turkeys internationally certified. The cattle, sheep, chickens, turkeys and geese at Greenway Farm at Dowlish Ford are now certified animal welfare approved and certified non-GMO by A Greener World (AGW). The beef cattle and sheep are also certified grassfed by AGW. AGW s certified animal welfare approved label verifies animals are raised outdoors on pasture in accordance with world-renowned welfare standards using sustainable agriculture methods on an independent farm. Greenway Farm is the headquarters of the Farm2Fork online farm business and farm shop.
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Music supervisors are finding new and daring ways to incorporate songs on television (Getty Images/iStockphoto)
he past year has been nothing short of a dumpster fire but God, it’s yielded some great TV. And maybe it’s all this extra time we have on our hands – or perhaps our collective sensory deprivation – that’s leading us to take keen notice of any stimulation thrown our way, but it seems we’re watching this latest cadre of shows with newly opened ears.
Whether it was Anya Taylor Joy’s chess genius drunkenly dancing her way to denouement via the unmistakable bop of The Shocking Blue’s “Venus” in
THEY say all the world is a stage and students at Priestley College have certainly proved that to be true in the pandemic year. For in a bid to keep up despite the challenges of the lockdowns and the coronavirus tier-system, the performing arts and drama cohorts have been taking cues from their kitchens, living rooms and, on sunnier days, their gardens. “It’s meant we had to adapt the choreography because some of the students might not have been able to use the floor while others just haven’t got that much space to move around,” said tutor Nancy Serjeant.