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Durham Regional Police launched an investigation after receiving a complaint about staff at White Cliffe Terrace Retirement Residence on Hwy. 2 east of Oshawa in February.
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“It was alleged that during the COVID-19 Pandemic, staff members had removed door handles to some units in the residence,” Sgt. George Tudos said in a statement released Wednesday.
He said investigators “worked with community partners and oversight bodies” and arrested a man who was the general manager at the time.
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Lambton County’s population continued to grow in 2020, but at a slower rate, according to estimates by Statistics Canada.
Recent population estimates by Statistics Canada found the combined population of the 11 municipalities in Lambton, as well as three local First Nations, was 132,972 in July 2020. That’s up 703 from the year before, according to a report prepared by the county’s planning and development services department.
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Try refreshing your browser. Lambton County Notebook: County s population grows by 703 in 2020 Back to video
The report said year-over-year growth in the county slowed last year, but that wasn’t unexpected given the impact of the pandemic on population movement and job creation.
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Taking the handles off doors to trap potentially COVID-positive seniors in their rooms was so “disturbing” that the president of the company that owns the retirement home in Durham Region was furious.
Now David Bird president and CEO of Diversicare Canada, which operates White Cliffe Terrace in Courtice has apologized.
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Try refreshing your browser, or Retirement home removed door handles to residents rooms during COVID outbreak Back to video
“We are connecting with residents and family members to let them know what happened, how truly sorry we are, and the steps we are taking to prevent this from happening again,” he told the Toronto Sun in a statement Saturday.
Police say they are investigating reports that door handles were removed from the suites of residents at a retirement home in Courtice, Ont., amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Police say they are investigating reports that door handles were removed from the suites of residents at a retirement home in Courtice, Ont., amid the COVID-19 pandemic.