A Message From Chamber Director Ryn Herrmann - 8:36 am
Los Alamos Schools Credit Union CEO/President Matt Schmidt holds up the credit union’s Financial Institution Business of the Year Award presented by Chamber Director Ryn Herrmann. Courtesy/Chamber
Los Alamos Chamber Director
As our county vaccination rate continues to climb and the state begins to open up, we have cause to celebrate and continue to show our support for our small businesses. Please join us for ChamberFest, June 1-5. We encourage you to support our small businesses in person or from the comfort of your home. Visit the ChamberFest Virtual Street Fair, sponsored by Enterprise Bank & Trust, to see what Chamber member businesses are up to & for a chance to WIN CASH and help your favorite business WIN CASH, too!
Sullivan: Los Alamos Commerce And Development Corporation (LACDC) Supports Local Business
Recently, there has been some misinformation in local media regarding Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation (LACDC) and its associated Chamber of Commerce and MainStreet programs. I’d like to take this opportunity to provide some facts about the organization and the work we do.
LACDC is a private not-for-profit 501 C (6) economic development organization. It is not part of, nor subsidized by, Los Alamos County or by Los Alamos National Laboratory. LACDC does have a contract with the County to operate both visitor centers and a contract to perform Main Street services and fund the Creative District.
Test Your Animal Knowledge At PEEC’s Trivia Tuesday - 7:43 pm
PEEC and the New Mexico Wildlife Center host Trivia Tuesday at 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 9. Courtesy/PEEC
PEEC News:
Test your nature knowledge at Trivia Tuesday with the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC). Challenge friends old and new at this interactive program and compete for prizes, including Chamber Checks from the Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce to use at local businesses.
This month’s Trivia Tuesday will take place is 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 9 via Zoom. Learn more and register at peecnature.org/events.
March’s trivia theme is animals and PEEC is teaming up with their friends at the New Mexico Wildlife Center to host this month’s game. And, because few things go together better than beer and trivia, PEEC is partnering with Bathtub Row Brewing Co-op to offer a Trivia Tuesday beer special. Enjoy $2 off crowlers from the Tub on Trivia Tuesdays only! Use or mention the code T
Canton Daily Ledger
CANTON Every year the business community celebrates those chosen to win the Canton Area Chamber of Commerce Excellence Awards and this year will be no different, well, maybe a little different. Due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions of not being able to gather large groups of people, the Canton Chamber needed to think outside the box when planning for their upcoming 96th Annual Chamber Dinner and Awards. The show must go on! The event must happen! Don’t break the tradition! If there is no in person event, then there will be no food or fun decorations, no sitting around the tables and visiting or networking, no presenting the awards to the ever so deserving winners for Business Person of the Year, Citizen of the Year or Educator of the Year. The Chamber was determined to save this cherished tradition for 2021.
Hays Daily News
Filled with anticipation for the new semester and re-energized after taking advantage of the privilege to rest and enjoy a long winter break, I find myself thinking about some of the people I admire and/or have gotten to know better this past year because of the pandemic. Here are just a few: our Hays city commissioners, our county health administrator and a group I refer to as our city rallying team.
Our city commissioners – Michael Berges, Sandy Jacobs, Ron Mellick, Shaun Musil and Mason Ruder – have always had important, and sometimes controversial, decisions to make, but who could have prepared for 2020? Just when the emotionally-charged debates over the roundabouts began to settle, along came the pandemic, and among the many critical decisions that had to be made was the mask ordinance.