Narrandera High School was one of 15 schools from across the region who participated in the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) Program held at Yanco.
Ariah Park, birthplace of Australian bulk grain, back in business as GrainCorp reopens Riverina site
WedWednesday 16
DecDecember 2020 at 9:09pm
Ian Sherwood was first in line to deliver his wheat to Ariah Park when it reopened this year.
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The birthplace of Australian bulk grain is back in business after GrainCorp reopened its receival site at Ariah Park in the New South Wales Riverina.
Key points:
GrainCorp closed its Ariah Park site in 2017, saying it was too slow to keep up with the rail network
Now the town s grain bulkhead and silos are running at full capacity, signalling prosperity for the town of 500 people