Mondelez International and Zurich American Insurance Co. said Thursday they've resolved their dispute over the insurer's refusal to cover the snack food giant's claim after the 2017 NotPetya malware attack crippled thousands of its servers and computers, the same day their two-week trial was expected to close.
Harvard University accused Zurich American Insurance Co. of playing a game of "cat and mouse" in trying to avoid covering the school's legal tab racked up while defending its affirmative-action admissions policy in a suit that is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.
The American western burger chain In-N-Out asked the Ninth Circuit to reinstate its COVID-19 coverage case against Zurich American Insurance Co., using a recent state appellate court opinion in a similar case to bolster its demands for payment for pandemic-related losses.
Zurich American Insurance Co. and SafePoint Insurance Co. were hit with Hurricane Laura damage lawsuits, joining several other insurers facing litigation related to the storm over the past week as Louisiana's deadline to file claims looms.