Goyal tweeted: “3.2 lakh+ delivery partners across @zomato and @letsblinkit are serving India today. Thank you for helping the nation celebrate.” New Year 2024: Zomato ‘War Room’ Handles Order Surge on New Year’s Eve With Over 3.2 Lakh Delivery Boys.
Food delivery platform Zomato on Monday announced to deliver food in under 10 minutes. As soon as the announcement came, people took to Twitter and trolled the idea using various memes and jokes. While many said that it would put the lives of delivery boys who would drive rashly in order to deliver
Salil Tripathi was the sole breadwinner of his family. He was the manager of Ricos in Hudson Lane and had begun working as a Zomato delivery person to make extra money.
Amid an escalating face-off between restaurants and aggregators, online food-ordering platform Zomato on Saturday said it is open to making modifications to rectify mistakes and appealed to restaurant owners to stop the #LogOut campaign.