And education of duchess county. Were here cause our science class is coming and learning about how bad drug addiction is for us and how to help ourselves and how to help others. The 8th to 9th grade transition year is one of the higher risk years and thats when a lot of high risk behaviors and decisions tend to happen. And make them aware of the risks that are out there the risks of going into high school help them make good decisions, because theres going to be a lot of peer pressure towards the other way. [katie] set up along the edge of the field were a number of exhibits manned by vendors. They werent selling anything they were there to give out free information. kids chattering so our particular hope today was to have vendors here that could spread information about the Provider Services that are available, but more importantly, to provide a fun venue thats healthy that focuses on their health and wellness with a bit of a focus on the Substance Use issue because it is so prominen
The eighth to ninth grade transition year is one of the higher risk years. And thats when a lot of high risk behaviors and decisions tend to happen. And make them aware of the risks that are out there. The risks going into high school. Help them make good decisions because theres going to be a lot of peer pressure towards the other way. [katie] set up along the edge of the field were a number of exhibits manned by vendors. They werent selling anything, they were there to give out free information. I hope she knows how to dab. So our particular hope today was to have vendors here that could spread information about the Provider Services that are available. But more importantly to provide a fun venue thats healthy, that focuses on their health and wellness, with a bit of a focus on the substance usage issue because it is so prominent in our county. [katie] the students heard from local leaders, like new york state senator sue serino and county executive marcus molinaro. Too many kids in
Rally was sponsored by the southern dutcess Community Coalition and the Nonprofit Agency called cape. Cape stands for the council on addiction prevention and education of Dutchess County. Were here cause our science class is coming and learning about how bad drug addiction is for us. And how to help ourselves and how to help others. The eighth to ninth grade transition year is one of the higher risk years. And thats when a lot of high risk behaviors and decisions tend to happen. And make them aware of the risks that are out there. Help them make good decisions because theres going to be a lot of peer pressure towards the other way. [katie] set up along the edge of the field were a number of exhibits manned by vendors. They werent selling anything, they were there to give out free information. I hope she knows how to dab. So our particular hope today that are available. But more importantly to provide a fun venue thats healthy, that focuses on their health and wellness, with a bit of a
Rally was sponsored by the southern dutcess Community Coalition and the Nonprofit Agency called cape. Cape stands for the council on addiction prevention and education of Dutchess County. Were here cause our science class is coming and learning about how bad drug addiction is for us. And how to help ourselves and how to help others. The eighth to ninth grade transition year is one of the higher risk years. And thats when a lot of high risk behaviors and decisions tend to happen. And make them aware of the risks that are out there. Help them make good decisions because theres going to be a lot of peer pressure towards the other way. [katie] set up along the edge of the field were a number of exhibits manned by vendors. They werent selling anything, they were there to give out free information. I hope she knows how to dab. So our particular hope today that are available. But more importantly to provide a fun venue thats healthy, that focuses on their health and wellness, with a bit of a
Country. He lost his leg in afghanistan when his unit was attacked. It was like everything was like in slow motion, kind of like being in a movie. And then when they pulled me out of the truck, that was when the pain. That pain. After the pain came the questions. His plans for the future seemed shattered. You know, i was like, wow. My life is over. Whats going to happen to me . But Staff Sergeant De Los Santos didnt give up. He worked hard to regain his strength. And he learned about an Organization Called achilles international. In greek mythology, achilles was as close to being invincible as any warrior could be. But even the greatest warriors can be hurt. Achilles international encourages disabled athletes to compete in marathons and other public events. And they have a special chapter for members of our military. Its called the freedom team of wounded veterans. They meet the wounded vets, and then they give them the opportunity to participate in these events, and through these even